Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Is Google+ is Unwanted?

Google+ has been around for almost a year now and shockingly enough despite industry professionals rambling on and on about how “intuitive” and “user-friendly” the platform is, it has yet to make even the smallest dent in social networking stranglehold controlled by Face book and Twitter.

But although the fledgling network’s only users are tech geeks and Google fan boys, that haven’t stopped SEO experts from rolling out article after article about how important “social shares” on Google’s new social network are.

No one wants to participate in another social network

I don’t know about you, but right now, it’s as much as I can handle just to stay on top of my Face book and Twitter accounts.  With conventional social media wisdom suggesting that I need to regularly post content, engage with my followers and connect with industry thought leaders in order to be effective on these sites, I’m going to need to see a pretty significant benefit to duplicating these efforts across yet another social network before I’m willing to put my time and energy Google+.

Sure, some people say it’s a better organized Face book but I don’t need another Face book.  I already have a Face book account that I’ve spend years growing and developing.  My content is there and my audience is there and from the looks of things, these followers aren’t in any big hurry to move to yet another social network either.  A quick Google search for the phrase “social network burnout” clearly demonstrates that I’m not the only one feeling overwhelmed by the number of sites you’re supposed to participate on.

No one wants personalized results

Despite how insistent Google is on shoving social/search integrations down our throats, personalized SERPs aren’t any more useful than traditional SERPs in fact, sometimes they’re much less useful. 

I come to Google because I trust their algorithms to provide better results than the other search engines on the market today.  And I trust that they’re carefully parsing through thousands of potential results in order to determine which specific piece of information will best suit my needs.

The replacement of traditional SERP results with personalized recommendations also turns into a pretty major issue when you recognize that the audience found on Google+ is almost exclusively male.  While that isn’t an issue for an emerging social network, it becomes a big deal when you try to shoehorn user perspectives into shaping the world’s largest search engine’s results.

No one wants constant Google integrations

But while these two issues are mere frustrations that complicate the Google experience, the final nail in the Google+ coffin is the increasing encroachment of Google services where they have no business being.

With the launch of Google+, it seems that the web’s largest search engine has forgotten both its primary service offering and its mission. As an example, consider the case study put forward by Chris Crum on Web Pro News, showcasing how Google’s latest Search plus Your World update prioritizes Google properties at the expense of results quality.

So if these extensive integrations don’t serve the user, what’s the point in rolling out frustrating update after frustrating update? I believe the bottom line is this. With the digital world moving away from traditional search and towards highly-specific apps for managing different facets of life, Google needs access to your personal data and it needs it now.

The Internet is the world’s greatest collection of knowledge, but increasingly, that wisdom lives in walled off apps. It lives in services and platforms. Places where we build up relationships, express preferences, and reveal so much about ourselves. We’re on Foursquare and Netflix and Face book and Twitter and Skype. We’re interacting in real time, and in ways that don’t lend themselves well to indexing. Google can’t know exactly what’s going on in all those places.

Perseverance Technology is a global IT services and consulting company with a strong focus on new technology and enterprise solutions. We are also providing you the facility to hire SEO experts and hire PHP developer at a very rational cost.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Microsoft Updates Excel Add-On

Microsoft Advertising Intelligence, the Excel add-on for keyword research and optimization is getting an upgrade jumping all the way from version 5.6 to version 8.

The company says the new version brings in more finely-tuned data from the Yahoo-Bing network on a wider range of keywords and competitive bids. Additionally, information on traffic, demographic and geographic data will be more in-depth, according to Microsoft. The user interface is redesigned, as well, in a way meant to be more intuitive.

Version 8 allows users to refine keywords by date range and using other parameters. Data can also be easily updated in a specific table or across all of the tables at once, depending on user preference.

The innovative software will also provide access to a compilation of per-designed Keyword Research Templates that convey up frequently-used data.

The tool doesn’t yet include data for mobile devices or from content sites. It’s available in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Ireland and Singapore.  The tool is not currently available in India.

Older versions of MAI will stop working on May 15, so current users must upgrade. To use the Windows-only software, one must have Microsoft Office Excel 2007 or 2010 already installed.

Perseverance Technology is a global IT services and consulting company with a strong focus on new technology and enterprise solutions. We are also providing you the facility to hire SEO experts and hire PHP developer at a very rational cost.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

E-marketing: A New Concept

Today's internet offers itself as a powerful way to make money in the 21st century. One can simply go out and set up an affiliate sales business online in an hour or two and be making money within 24 hours. These are often scrutinized as scams or pyramids by those who do not understand the concept of internet marketing. One must be patient to examine the parameters of the information being offered so as not to be taken advantage.

When a person has a product, he or she needs a venue within which it can be sold. In the case of an online marketer, they generally do not wish their product be placed in a physical store to be seen by a smaller customer base. They choose the internet where they can reach literally millions of people at any time of day. This offers a broader customer base and doesn't limit sales to only when the store is open. This is just the beginning of how internet marketing works.

Generally the product can be yours or it can be someone Else's product, also called affiliate marketing. In many cases the product is a free offer with an up sell to a better offer. A common product is one that shows you how to get involved with internet marketing or making money on the internet.

When you put an effort into the direction of traffic to the product you can generally see a good return on your investment. The "effort", as I mentioned in the previous sentence usually requires promotion of the website you set up to sell your product, article marketing, promotion on social sites such as Face book and Twitter, and posting with classified ads online. This is not as hard as it may sound but it does require an effort on your part. Remember, money doesn't just fall on us for anything. This even can be said for Bill Gates and other really rich people. They had to work to get there.

Perseverance Technology is a global IT services and consulting company with a strong focus on new technology and enterprise solutions. We are also providing you the facility to hire SEO experts and hire PHP developer at a very rational cost.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Why Do Links Important

Hyperlinks were the main method of building the Internet and connecting sites through HTML, allowing people and bots to move around and find what they needed. They were like any other citations, methods of getting additional information by going somewhere else. Contrary to popular belief, Al Gore didn't invent the hyperlink. The term itself was first used in the 1960s, before most of you were born.
In 1998 there was the first on-paper mention of Page Rank, just before Larry Page and Sergei Brin actually founded Google. The theory behind Page Rank became part of the basis of the Google algorithm, and continues to be so today.
To greatly simplify the concept, Page Rank is a popularity contest wherein the pages with the most support behind them should be viewed as the most important ones. You could increase a page's importance simply by building as many links as possible to it.As anyone who deals with SEO knows though, it's a lot trickier than that.

Not All Links Are of Equal Importance

A link from the homepage of a powerful site like the BBC will be of a higher quality than a link from the links page of your high school's blog.
If a competitor that ranked above you in the SERPs had 100 more links than you, you couldn't just go grab 101 links and rank above him. Some links are simply more valuable than others, particularly links from authoritative sites and links from .edu and .gov domains. Like every other SEO tactic, this was abused, differing opinions abounded, and everyone tried to nail down the exact science of it.
In 2005, the no follow link attribute came along and ruined all our fun. No longer could we throw tons of links at sites in order to make them rank. That can still work as you'll see at times, but quick wins with links aren't as plentiful as they were pre-no follow.
In 2009, Page Rank was removed from Google's Webmaster Tools, mainly due to the fact that people didn't really understand that the number they saw wasn't a true representation of their sites’ importance.

The Pre Page Rank World 

What did we do before we had that pesky little toolbar indicator? Without that one commonly misunderstood metric to constantly monitor and agonize about, we used rankings and traffic as an indicator of our performance.
We could also rank a site without links, just by keyword stuffing and cloaking. Those were the good old days when you could get a link on a site and not get cussed out by your client because they wanted all PR 4s and up and you, stupidly, got a link on a new but very relevant and well-trafficked PR 0 site.
Link exchanges were very big. Having a page just devoted to outgoing links was huge. It was a softer, gentler time when link building as we know it today was innocent. The only people that I knew who built links were generalist SEOs, and looking back now, it's easy to see that we did it badly by today's standards.
There's a point that gets lost a lot, one that makes it obvious that actual Page Rank and visible Page Rank are two very different things.
The Page Rank that we can see represented in the bar, a number, from a Page Rank checker, etc., is updated infrequently and isn't the actual Page Rank that Google assigns to your site. The actual Page Rank calculation, if shown here, would make all of our heads spin. Let's just say that it's a lot more complicated than a number from 0 to 10.

Toolbar Page Rank

This is what you do see Toolbar Page Rank is one of many factors in how your site will rank but its importance is way overblown and oversimplified. You will see sites with a Toolbar Page Rank of 1 outranking sites with a Toolbar Page Rank of 5, due to various other considerations.

Page Rank Sculpting

Now here is where things get particularly interesting to me. Pages have their own specific Page Rank and through linking elsewhere, they can send link juice in the same way that they receive it.
If a page has 10 outgoing links on it and none are no followed, each page linked to should receive one-tenth of that page's link juice. If five links are no followed and five are not, each of those five followed links should receive 20 percent of that page's link juice and the five no followed links should receive none of it.
Due to this idea, people began to experiment with manipulation. We no followed certain links that went to other site pages, ones that weren't quite as important as the others but ones that we did link to in the navigation. Later, like with almost everything else, it got complicated. I won't bore you with the details here. Suffice it to say it's not a widely recommended practice anymore. Some still do it, some don't, but controlling link juice didn't work as we hoped it would. You'd think we would all learn our lessons but no, no we never do.

Perseverance Technology is a global IT services and consulting company with a strong focus on new technology and enterprise solutions. We are also providing you the facility to hire SEO experts and hire PHP developer at a very rational cost.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

For Incredible Ranking Start With SEO

Engaging in proper site SEO isn't about pulling out a checklist that you can run through in a month; check them all off and say all done. A good optimization strategy consists of a variety of moving parts. Check one issue off your task list today and two more problems show up on your radar. Good SEO is kind of like an engine. There are many working parts, any of which can be improved, repaired or replaced to boost your vehicle's performance. The more your engine is used, the more work there is to do to keep the engine in top shape.

SEO & Keyword Research
Every SEO campaign starts with keyword research. It's critical to uncover and organize your core terms and extended phrases in order to create the optimization road map moving forward.
The SEO uses keyword information to create customized titles, descriptions and page heading recommendations, along with editing the content of your pages to make them more keyword friendly. The SEO can use your existing content and rewrite it specifically to integrate the keywords selected, as well as improve the sales conversion funnel. Text edits should include internal linking to other important pages as well as adding strategic calls to action if necessary.

Information Architecture & Usability
SEO should regularly be reviewing site analytics information in order to seek out and uncover site architectural issues that hinder your performance in the search engines. Using this information, they can provide specific recommendations and solutions that will build better site architecture, remove duplicate content, and fix problematic HTML and a whole lot more.
Content Review
A site-wide content review provides strategic recommendations designed to help you produce content that better relates to your audience, effectively uses frequently searched keywords and improves the overall sales message being delivered. The goal is to create engaging content that informs, educates and sells your products or services while also attracting visitors through the search engines.
Content development doesn't assist SEO alone, but also improves your sales process and your link and social media efforts. Without great content, your site really doesn't deserve great search engine placement.

Link Building
Your SEO should research you and your competitor's link landscape and provide you with a variety of linking opportunities to pursue. These opportunities include lists of sites, directories, blogs, and other strategic sites and the best approach for establishing a linking relationship that compliments your optimization efforts. The SEO works to establish contact with these link opportunity sites and lays the groundwork for a relationship, submits linking requests and negotiates link placement, among other things.
Social Media
Developing an immediate and long-term social media strategy is critical to leveraging your blog, Twitter, Face book and other social streams to your advantage. In conjunction with the SEO efforts and content strategy efforts, the social strategy pushes content in the most effective way, monitors reputation and boosts SEO performance through keyword and link targeting. Part of the social media strategy is to create a publishing calendar that can help you keep moving forward and not get caught in social stagnation.

Analytics & Conversion Optimization
SEOs need to regularly review you and your competitor's Web data to understand search performance and user trends. With this information, they can provide additional insight and strategy recommendations that assist on-page optimization, link building, social media and content development. Selecting the best performing options provides the ammunition needed to continually improve your site conversion rates.

Perseverance Technology is a global IT services and consulting company with a strong focus on new technology and enterprise solutions. We are also providing you the facility to hire SEO experts and hire PHP developer at a very rational cost.